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IPL Contraindications


We provide this as a guideline if you are not sure we strongly suggest a consultation with one of our technicians.



IPL Photofacial Contraindications
* recent sunburn or suntan
* unprotected sun exposure, tanning bed or solarium use 4 weeks prior to treatment
* pregnancy
* breastfeeding
* cancer
* lupus
* hypopigmentation (e.g., vitiligo)
* history of seizures
* history of keloid scarring
* severe dermatitis, active inflammatory acne or eczema (within the treatment area)
* active infections
* Accutane use in the last 6 months
* diabetes medication
* herpes simplex outbreak (within the treatment area)
* dark skin ( a consult will determine if your skin tone is too dark for your requested procedure)
* Vitamin A acids (retinoic acid, glycolic acid, tretinoin (Retin-A), Accutane, alpha-hydroxy acids) used within 60  days of treatment
* photosensitizing medications ( if you are not sure, ask your pharmasist, they are very helpful )
* presence of a pacemaker
* presence of surgical metal pins or plates under the skin of treatment area
* use of St. John’s Wort within three months prior to treatment
* blood-thinning agents (Aspirin, ibuprofen, or Aleve used within one week of treatment, anticoagulants)


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