Oily Skin
Shine be gone
Everyone needs a certain amount of natural oil to keep their skin supple and moisturized. Skin type is determined by how much oil the skin on your face produces; depending on this, your skin type can be categorized as dry, combination and oily. An oily skin type is exactly what it sounds like – excess oil on the face produces a persistently shiny or greasy appearance. If you don’t treat your oily skin, pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead skin cells may accumulate. Blackheads, pimples and other types of acne are also common with this skin type Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin make too much sebum. Sebum is the waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy. However, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne. The treatments below along with proper skincare can help. Click the links for more info.
An effective treatment for oily skin is Laser Genesis which is a non-invasive treatment that promotes vibrant, healthy looking skin by stimulating collagen regrowth. It specifically works for oily skin as it penetrates heat deep into the skin and causes the pores to shrink. In addition to this, Laser Genesis also fades acne scarring and diffuses redness.
This treatment combines our laser genesis with our oxygen facial. The exfoliation from the oxygen treatment is a perfect pre-treatment before the Laser Genesis which releases heat that penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating the production of collagen, which helps shrink the pores and makes the skin more even tone.
Microneedling introduces minute perforations to the skin, which initiates a healing response. This therapy is an excellent option to address acne scarring, wrinkles, and stretch marks.
Blue light is a spectrum of light (wavelength of 415 nanometers to be exact) that's clinically proven to be effective in eradicating acne at the source and healing skin from within.
The Science Behind the Oil
Sebaceous glands are located within the skin and are responsible for secreting an oily substance called sebum. Sebum lubricates the skin, protecting it from drying out or becoming irritated. This oil, along with sweat, is secreted through the pores. When this process goes smoothly, sebum not only lubricates your skin, but it also removes dead skin cells and other irritants from your pores. However, when over-active sebaceous glands produce excess sebum, your skin looks shiny and your pores can become clogged, leading to a host of skin imperfections.
How to Know if You Have Oily-Type Skin
If your skin exhibits the following, then you have an oily skin type:
- Your face is shiny and usually appears greasy later on in the day
- Makeup doesn’t stay on and seems to “slide” off.
Staff Tip - Try our jane iredale oily skin primer under your makeup.
- The oilier areas of your face have blackheads, pimples or other types of acne
- Pores are visibly enlarged, especially on your nose, chin and forehead
Take special note of your T-Zone. The T-Zone is the region of the face consisting of the forehead and nose which naturally tend to have more active oil glands that may produce excess sebum. If your T-Zone is oily but the rest of your face looks normal or dry, then you have combination-type skin. Anyone’s skin can have multiple “types,” and that these types can change due to hormones, climate and stress levels.
Who Gets Oily Skin?
Oily skin is typically hereditary – if you have oily skin, it’s probably because your parents suffered a similar fate. But excess oil can also be the result of heightened hormone levels, for instance during puberty, as well as during some parts of women’s menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and when they’re going through menopause, as sebaceous glands become more active during these times.
Silver Lining
If your oily skin is driving you crazy, there’s good news – those with oily skin types tend to have more moisture in their skin, making them less prone to premature wrinkles. The key is to keeping the oiliness of your skin under control so you can put your best face forward.